The DC Cosmic Egg Musical Call Box

The Cosmic Egg, a Musical Call Box, is related to two concepts 
that we may easily find in our city: 

a.-  PLAY, music and performance, since the Cosmic Egg Musical 
Call Box is a percussion instrument to be play and touch by 
people; and also 

b.- Individuals, like Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) and Science, 
the science of astronomy [the cosmic egg refers to the total 
solar eclipse] subject we find in many buildings of the DC area. 

As well as the antique symbols of the sun, the Phoenix egg, and 
the black sun, that appears in so many cultures [and in so many
operas like Aida, Montezuma, The Magic Flute and others], this 
cosmic egg may be recognized by many community groups. 

This sculpture also relates to the Cosmic Egg I presented in 
Art-O-Matic 2000, the egg that gave birth to, [creating together 
with so many DC children, teachers and parents], the Percussion
Puppets and their children performances. [see attached picture] 

It's included in the concept of the sculpture that people may as 
well doodle and scratch the Cosmic Egg, write on it, spray paint 
it, place stickers on it, flip it, hit it, PLAY with it, and ponder. 

The model: 

The sculpture reads:  PLAY! MUSIC, FLIP ME OVER! 

These words invite DC walkers to play with the sculpture and have 
a little performing art experience refreshing their District time
 with music. 

The model shows the out side of the musical sculpture, 

a.- the spheric cosmic egg [a bright solar eclipse shaped cosmic egg]; and 

b.- a set of six chimes to be attached inside the hallow sphere 
[see drawing] with 20 loosed relatively small jingling bells 
[you'll find inside a small glass jar] to be place inside also, 
to create a maraca sound like effect, and hit the chimes. 

This musical sculpture combines the sounds of a maraca, jingle 
bells and chimes playing a brief "cosmic" random tune in a mayor tone. 

The letter G is Guillermo Silveira's signature. 

Inside drawing: