Arrien's list of Links

Triumph of the Spirit

A Cybernetic Retrospective of Guillermo Silveira's Music

April 1999

A Retrospective CybernVideOpera 



Self portrait 

Still Lyfes

Labyrinth of Music

Agregar al Archivo Infinito: 

* music samples.

** To scand:
a) revews
b) Letters from professionals like Corigliano, Caamano, Gandini, etc...
c) posters like "prosecion"
d) old scores suite for piano

*** First page MANDALA [sistema planetario, agrupacion galactica en universo musical, arbol, espiral, paisage mistico con la foto abajo tipo kaquemono] organization and links by:

a) decades and years.
b) places Bs.As till 84 and D.C. till ????
c) Visual arts related
d) Literature related
e) Theme related if more than twice like: mysticals, nature, science, philosophy, cultures,
f) Portraits arianagrams
g) still life
h) recordings
g) organizations, publishers, & people that have G's music, musicologos, interpretes, sponsors, etc 
i) deconstextualizadas
j) just music
l) by instrumentation
m) alphabeltical order
n) literary maps x ciudad

**** CD rom with pictures, scores, revews, slides

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